Overzicht dissertaties maart en april 2015

  • 4 min.
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Een overzicht van dissertaties op het gebied van de klinische en preklinische oncologie.

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

24 april 2015
Tamoxifen pharmacokinetics beyond the genotyping era
L. Binkhorst

14 april 2015
The experiences of bereaved relatives with palliative sedation and other end-of-life care practices
S.M. Bruinsma

8 april 2015
The tumor and its microenvironment in mesothelioma
R. Cornelissen

7 april 2015
What happens and what matters: a study on palliative and terminal care in the hospital (PalTeC-H)
F.E. Witkamp

11 maart 2015
MicroRNAs in normal and malignant myelopoiesis
M.F. Alemdehy

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen&ellipsis;

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