Overzicht dissertaties april 2017

  • 2 min.
  • Promotie

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam


21 april 2017
Systemic treatment for advanced colorectal cancer: bridging the gap between clinical studies and daily practice
L.G.E.M. Razenberg

19 april 2017
Reducing harms and increasing benefits of screening for cervical cancer and colorectal cancer: a model-based approach
S.K. Naber

18 april 2017
Role of genetic haploinsufficiency in the biology and targeted therapy of Del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome
R.S.K. Schneider-Kramann

13 april 2017
Treatment and survival of patients with metastatic upper gastrointestinal cancer: hard to digest? N. Bernards

11 april 2017

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